The Memorial Pipe Organ

Messiah Lutheran Church, Santa Cruz, CA

Austin Organ Company Opus 2130



Opus 2130, a two manual 29 rank organ was built in 1949 by the Austin Organ Company for Saint Paulus Evengelical Lutheran Church in Oakland, California. The design of the instrument was said to be inspired by the English organ building tradition.

Messiah Lutheran Church in Santa Cruz, California acquired the organ in 1974. The installation was overseen by John West, a long-time California organ technician and builder.

The layout of the organ had to be altered to fit the available space. Originally the 16' open diapason was on top of the chambers, It was relocated behind the great and swell chambers and the pipes were layed horizontally. Also, the Austin Universal Windchest (see Note 1) needed to be shortened. A new facade was constructed.

John West installed one of his trademark Zimbelsterns based on a 33/45 rpm record player.

The dedication service was in early March of 1975. Grace Cathedral Assistant Organist John Renke played and opened the service with Bach's Prelude and Fugue in C Major and closed with the Prelude on "Rhosymedre" by Ralph Vaughan Williams. A special work, Verbum Supernum (The supernal Word goes forth) was commissioned for the occassion and was composed by Dr. Donald Martin Jenni (1937-2006) of Iowa State University. Dr Jenni dedicated the piece in joyful memory of his father (1887-1971). His mother, Catherine, was a member of the congregation.

The decade of the 1970s was a period of reform in American organ building. To that end a 4' Choral Bass was added to the pedal division by John West. This addition was funded by monies from the memorial fund of Pastor Johnson's Mother. The rank was dedicated August 7, 1977. Long time members state that John West also revoiced the pipework to give it more of a 'baroque' character although recent inspections by an Austin representative dispute this claim.

On October 12, 1980 a rank of trumpet pipes was added to the facade, again by John West. This rank was called 'St Lorna's Pfeiffen' and was given in honor of Lorna Smith who had served over 65 years as a church organist. She was Messiah's assistant organist at the time of the dedication.

In the 1980's, the expression shades were removed from both the great and swell chambers in order to get 'more sound' out of the organ.

In the 1990's the altar and nave of the church were remodeled and much carpeting was added decreasing the impact of the organ in the room.

In the early 2000's the expression shades were replaced in the swell chamber.

The organ is currently monitored by John Haskey. Tunings and repair are handled by Hupalo & Repaskey Pipe Organs, LLC of San Leandro California.


The fund to purchase the organ was started with a generous gift from Werner and Lois Jasper. Other gifts of money and labor were donated by members of the congregation. The instrument is dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of loved ones.

Specification (2008)

Two manuals and pedal, 32 speaking stops


16 Contra Gemshorn
 8 Open Diapason
 4 Octave
   Doublet II
   Sesquialter III
 8 Harmonic Flute
 8 Gemshorn
 8 Dolce
 8 Unda Maris
 4 Nacht Horn
 8 Lorna's Pfeiffen
   Great to Great 4
   Swell to Great 16
   Swell to Great 8
   Swell to Great 4
   Tremolo (non-operative)


 8 Geigen
 8 Melodia
 8 Gamba
 8 Voix Celeste
 4 Fugara
 4 Chimney Flute
 2 Fifteeth
   Mixture II
16 Contra Oboe
 8 Trumpet
 8 Oboe
 4 Clarion
   Swell to Swell 16
   Swell to Swell 4


16 Open Diapason
16 Violone
16 Bourdon
 8 Octave
 8 Flute
 4 Choral Bass
16 Trombone
 8 Tromba
 8 Lorna's Pfeiffen
   Great to Pedal 8
   Great to Pedal 4
   Swell to Pedal 8


1.) For a description of the Universal Windchest see: Universal Windchests.

Copywrite © 2008 John R Haskey