Estey Opus 741 needs a home

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This six rank Estey organ from 1907 needs to be relocated as soon as possible. The owner of the organ recently passed away and the family is clearing out the house.

Here are a couple of shots of the stop keys:

And here is a shot of the (61 note) manuals:

and the 30 note flat, straight pedalboard:

The overall dimensions are approximately 100" wide, 90" deep, and 125" tall.


Currently located in a home near Walnut Creek, CA (east of San Francisco and Oakland) the organ was moved there from St Joseph's Portugese Church, Oakland, CA in the 1970s. The owner was in the pipe organ trade and refurbished the instrument at that time. It played in the home for many years until developing a major wind leak.

It should be assumed that all of the leather will need to be inspected and/or replaced before the organ will play again.

Here is a shot of part of the swell action:

The material on the pneumatic closest to the camera is torn. It is likely that others are as well.

The organ includes a blower of unknown make and vintage that has not been turned on in several years. It is in an enclosure outside the room where the organ is located.

Here are some other shots of the organ:

The buyer is responsible for all disassembly, removal from the premises and transport of the organ. The seller is offering the instrument AS IS.

Craig Williams and myself (John Haskey) (both members of the Residence Organs List) will assist in the removal if that would be of help. I can also recommend an organ builder in the area if professional help is desired.

The organ was recently advertised on eBay with an opening bid of $3000. The family is eager to see the organ moved and interested in its preservation and I suspect there is some room for negotiation on the part of interested parties.

See also: Estey Pipe Organs Brattleboro, Vermont